beautyLauren GenellJanuary 18, 2018beauty, schmidt's deodorant, deodorant, antiperspirant, perspiration, under arm, all natural, naturalComment An Under Arm Exploration beautyLauren GenellJanuary 18, 2018beauty, schmidt's deodorant, deodorant, antiperspirant, perspiration, under arm, all natural, naturalComment
beautyLauren GenellJanuary 14, 2018kikiluxelipcolor, beauty, lipstickComment Lipstick for Life. If I invest time and effort in looking good to go out, can't I do the same to stay in? beautyLauren GenellJanuary 14, 2018kikiluxelipcolor, beauty, lipstickComment
beautyLauren GenellOctober 31, 2017beauty, skin care, tree travelerComment The search for the right skin care regimen. Maintaining young and healthy skin isn't easy. beautyLauren GenellOctober 31, 2017beauty, skin care, tree travelerComment