The Standing Tree

I ask again,
“Has not yet the flowing waters of this stream run dry?!”
Pooling, pressing, pushing, dripping.
In a desperate voice I cry.
The breeze is soft and cool
as it washes over me in haste.
And still I stand and sway in wait
with only time to waste.
Peace lingers, waiting, far from me
hidden from my eyes.
“It will come, I promise.”
Whispered from the lips of the wise.
And when and where will I find it?
Standing tall and not with ease.
Will it come floating softly
on tomorrow’s gentle breeze?
How long must I wait and stand
and clench and grip and hold?!
Who will prop me back in place
if I begin to fold?
His promises will never fail.
His time is all his own.
A tree He planted, waters and loves,
until it’s fully grown.
So waters must flow and roots must grow
in time both deep and strong.
And I will stand and hold and wait
and hope it’s not too long.